14 years ago
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
NASCAR and Birthdays
So our good friends Tristan and Christine called a couple weeks ago and said they had won 4 tickets to the Nascar race in Vegas and asked if we wanted to come out and go with them. Kurt has been to a couple races but I have never been so of course we said "yes". They were so sweet to let us stay at their house and feed us which definitely helped us to save some money. We did go out a couple nights and play...I mean we were in Vegas! Thanks again guys! We had a blast!
This is their cute family: Christine, Carter, Blake, Hailey and Tristan.
Out and about on the strip in front of the Venetian
Excited for the race to start...(nice ear plugs)
Sitting at the start/finish line
Here is a picture of the leader board at the end of the race...WAHOO Carl Edwards!
Carl taking his victory lap
This is some of the AWESOMENESS you get to enjoy at a Nascar race
Later his 2 sons had there shirts off too!
This guys hat had a spoiler on the back with a flag. Earlier his wife was yelling to us with her homemade megaphone telling us how much she loved baseball and football. Maybe she forgot we were at a car race. I would have taken a picture of her too but she left and never made it back to her seat. I would've taken more pictures but I didn't want to be obvious.
Braydon and Lillie's Birthdays
We had a party with my whole family this year for Lillie's 1st Birthday. My aunt and uncle from Colorado were in town so we combined Braydon's 7th Birthday with it. We palyed the we and had cake and ice cream. The kids had a blast and of course the kiddos got spoiled! Thank you to everyone who came and made it so much fun for the kids! Also thank you so much for all the gifts! We love you all!
Braydon's cake had a basketball on it and Lillie's had a princess
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Braydon Starts School, Logan Starts School, and Lillie Turns 6 Months
Braydon started 1st grade this year! That makes me feel so old! We had a great summer, but he was excited to get back to school (I was kind of excited too.) He was super excited that he got to go to the lunchroom for lunch every day. He is amazing! He is one of the smartest, kindhearted, energetic kids I know. We love you Boogies!

Logan Starts Pre-School
Last May Logan went to pre-school for the last couple weeks of school. We were hoping it would help with his speech. It is amazing how much of a difference we saw just in those couple weeks. I think being around kids all day that are talking more than him really helps so we put him in again this year. He was so excited to start. He has been carrying his "buzz and woody" backpack around for about the last 2 weeks pretending that he is at school. He is such a sweet boy and he keeps us laughing all day long! We love you small bear!

Lillie is 6 months!!
We just took some 6 month pictures of Lillie. She is getting so big and I am having so much fun with a baby girl. Don't get me wrong I adore my boys and have fun with them too...it's just different with a little girl.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Lillie's Blessing Day
So last week we blessed Lillie, and it was wonderful...all except the weather. :( We had so many people come to show their love and support. I took some pictures of Lillie in her beautiful dress that my mom made (she is AMAZING!!) I wish I had some of everyone that was there but I don't. Thanks again to all who were able to make it! :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New Pictures
Sorry there are so many...it was Lillie's 2 month pictures and the boys turned out cute too. It was really hard to narrow them down.

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