SHE'S HERE!! Lillie Mae Wharton born February 22, 2010. She weighed 6lbs. 7oz. and was 18in. long. She is beautiful! We are both doing great! Here are just a couple pictures...but trust me there will be plenty more before too long! She has a "photo shoot" pretty much every day!
Proud parents
14 years ago
YAY! I'm so excited you finally have your little girl! They are SO much fun! She looks beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures of her!
Congratulations! She is precious. Yeay for dressing pretty little girls!!
What a doll! She even looks like a Lillie! Make sure to keep a bow in her hair everyday so she doesn't get used to not having one in and then refuses to ever wear a bow again! Just sayin'
Congrats!!!! So happy to hear you guys are all okay. cant wait for more pictures.
It's so exciting! I Can't wait to meet her!!
That went by fast! She is sooooo cute and adorable! You are probably head over heels for her. Congrats Jamilyn!!!! I am happy for you!
Congratulations!! She is absolutely beautiful. Enjoy the pink! :)
She is so sweet.
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